The "ASK ME Volunteer" event is private. Please sign in to enter your registration information in order to access this event.
Sign in
Use your username & Password.
No personal emails such as Gmail will provide access.
PREVIOUS Students whose final semester was Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, or Spring 2024 have been DEACTIVATED. If you require access, please email
NEW Students will receive 'You logged on your school portal successfully, but we cannot find your profile in CampusGroups' until your account created.
New Fall Students - accounts created in LATE June
New Winter Students - accounts created in LATE November.
New Spring Students - accounts created in LATE March
Ensure the following before emailing
- You have paid your depost and/or full tutions Nothing is required of you at this time.
- You have allowed 5-7 business days for your deposit to be processed on your student account.
If you need help with your username, password, and/or DUO mobile, please email with the following information:
- Full Name
- Student ID
- Description of issue (i.e. forgot password, DUO not working, etc)
Non-SLC Guest Accounts: Sign in below
Your username & password will not work in the guest login, you must login into UR SLC using the login button above.
You are not allowed to create an account to join this event.